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Renew your relationship, on holiday in the South of France

27 juli @ 09:54

5 Day Relationship Retreat

  • Do you want to give yourself, your relationship and your children a precious gift?
  • Do you want to maintain your good relationship and (re) discover the unprecedented possibilities of connecting with your partner?
  • Is your relationship a bit stuck? Are you no longer (completely) on the right track as a couple?
  • Is your romance under attack? Has love, passion and / or sexuality been clouded?
  • Do you have recurring conflicts and difficulties with communication, so that you become estranged from each other? Do you miss out on each other or do you not feel really understood by your partner?
  • Do you want to learn how conflicts, tensions and misunderstandings can bring you closer together as a couple? These are useful ‘growth opportunities’ for a more loving connection !
  • Are you longing to make time and space to reflect on your relationship?
  • Has that become difficult, because of busy lives, busy jobs, caring for children, …?
  • Do you want to discover how you can make your relationship warmer and more central in your life in the long term?
  • Do you long to feel the connection and self-evident love / passion from the beginning? (Yes, that is possible!)

In short: do you want to deepen / boost your relationship but do not feel much for relationship therapy? Then this unique relationship retreat is your chance!

Why a relationship retreat?

Maybe you think it’s normal for love and passion to fade or even disappear with the years, and you’re satisfied with a bad or at most mediocre relationship? Don’t stay stuck with that! Scientific research says that an optimal partner relationship for the human ‘mammal’ is of vital importance for physical health and psychological well-being. As human beings, we are wired to experience a deep connection with our most dear ones. If that is not the case, we feel unhappy and unhealthy. Thanks to recent knowledge of adult attachment, we finally know how we can help couples experience and maintain such an optimal love bond. This is the first time in the history of relationship therapy, which formerly sat in the dark about the phenomenon of ‘love’ and lacked scientific basis about the true nature of adult love relationships.

Anyway, every relationship, without exception, requires some ‘maintenance’ from time to time to stay alive and fresh!

The 5-day relationship retreat ‘Renew your relationship on holiday in the South of France’ is the ideal way to give your relationship a boost and renew.


Our relationship retreats are mainly based on the ideas of EFCT, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy. EFCT was developed by Prof. dr. Sue Johnson, author of the popular book ‘Hold Me Tight’. It is the first and only method that guarantees permanent healing and strengthening of (violated) relationships. The model offers a revolutionary new look at romantic love, and integrates the very latest science around adult attachment in a therapeutic model, which in the meantime proves proven worldwide!

Furthermore, we draw from the existential and body-oriented ideas.

What does our relationship retreat in the South of France look like?

The relationship retreat is a unique combination of ‘celebrating holidays’ and ‘working on your relationship’. It serves to relax together and to distance yourself from ordinary everyday life. So you can enjoy your renewed love for each other again.

From Sunday 23d of september up to and including Friday 28/9, we work every day from 10 a.m. to get started with the basics of EFCT.

We alternate between different methods: theory, demonstrations, role play, group discussions, exercises per pair, etc.

Outside the retreat program there is plenty of time and space to relax together: cocooning on the domain, making nice trips, walking in and around the Pyrenees. There are such abundant opportunities: the choice is all yours!

You can also book a relationship counseling session in the afternoon (optional).

If, as a couple, you distance yourself from the difficulties in which you are entangled, you discover that you can deal with each other in a different way. The multi-day immersion in a refreshingly beautiful holiday environment offers opportunities that you do not have at home: you suddenly see what is going wrong between you two, or where you have room for improvement, and you get unique training opportunity to work on this. You then take these achievements home with you.

Attention! The relationship retreat is not group therapy, but more a couple training to improve your relationship. It’s true that as a couple you will learn a lot from other couples though.

For tailor-made EFCT couples therapy, you can follow our personal relationship therapy program.


Katrin and her husband Kim are married, both body-oriented therapists who have been trained in EFCT relational therapy. Kim also specializes in systemic counseling (family constellations), where he has a close touch for the universal mechanisms that play in relationships and families.
As an existential counselor, Katrin is focused on how a relationship can give a deeper meaning in life and how a burned-out relationship can wound both partners to an existential level.

Together they provide counseling sessions for couples and multi-day relationship retreats.

What do you get from the retreat?

  • a priceless gift to yourself, your relationship and your children.
  • a fresh new perspective on your relationship, on yourself and on your partner
  • a renewed, profound (re) emotional connection
  • you can fully enjoy and feel your love again
  • the know-how to turn your conflicts and destructive patterns into moments of intense connection
  • a new effective way of communicating, both on emotional and practical issues


How much?

Contribution: 260 euros per person (x 2)

Extra Early Bird discount until 15 June ’18: 240 euros per person

Early Bird discount until 15 July ’18: 250 euros per person

These amounts do not include accommodation, meals and travel expenses. You choose a stay of your choice at holiday estate Assaladou. (see below)

More info & registration

For more information about the workshop, the accommodation, the holiday retreat L’Assaladou, send an email to, fill in the contact form,
or call 00 33 6 42 42 35 82 (FR).

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Below you can see what is still available at L’Assaladou during this workshop.
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Renew your relationship, on holiday in the South of France
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Renew your relationship, on holiday in the South of France
0,0 rating based on 12.345 ratings
Quotering: 0 out of 5 gebaseerd op 0 reviews.

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27 juli 2024

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