Existo stands for “celebrating a holiday” in a conscious and slow way, to strengthen the connection with yourself, nature, others and self-sufficiency. All our consultations support this process of self-awareness and each have their own point of view. You choose the consult with us which fits you the most.
Our consultations are boundary in two ways. First of all, you are far away from home, aside from the daily routine, which allows the sessions to work deeper. Secondly, a consultation with us does not take place in the closeness of a classic session room. Several consultations are therefore given in and around the Assaladou garden. The ubiquitous nature on Assaladou is often used as inspiration. This way, the holiday atmosphere and peace and quiet can also penetrate into our consultations.
We mainly make use of existential and systemic thinking (family arrangements in a broad application) and from multiple spiritual traditions. In couples we work with Emotionally Focused Therapy.
Choose on the spot or in advance à la carte which consultations most closely match your needs at the moment. On the menu you will find the passion test, walking coaching, herbal consultation, relationship counseling and relationship constellation.
Passion test
A meaningful life looks different for everyone. Discover your personal passions, what drives you and what makes you unique, because you alone can give your life a lot of sense. Dare to dream what your life would look like if you would give your passions plenty of space. How far is your life, as it stands, from this ‘dream’?
In the passion test, hold your life to the light and see if there is more into it!
Therapist: Kim Wellens
Target price: 40 € per session of +/- 1h
Ga op wandel met Kim, al of niet met een bepaalde (grote of kleine) levensvraag. Je zal ontdekken dat als je in de juiste mindset de natuur ingaat, de natuur jou antwoorden voorspiegelt, op metaforische wijze.
Begeleiding: Kim Wellens
Richtprijs: 60 € per consultation of about +/- 1h30
Constellation coaching
Do you have one or more questions? Does your mind play fool with you, and are you looking for a wiser answer? Through a constellation, your own soul / essence core is being spoken to and guides you to the most loving and wise answer to your question. Experience the surprising clarity of that other part of your brain, which usually makes sense by your mind!
Guidance: Kim Wellens
Target price: 60 € per consultation of about of +/- 1h20
Herbal consult
Which herbs can help you restore and maintain your physical and mental balance? Based on specific questions about your physical and mental functioning, Katrin is looking for the herbs that can help you right now. You will receive recipes and tips to integrate these herbs into your life. As a candle on the cake you get a nice personalized herbal tea gift!
Herbalist: Katrin de Neve
Target price: 45 € per session of +/- 1.5u
Relatiecoaching en – counseling
Kim en Katrin begeleiden jou van koppel tot koppel. Hierbij doen ze beroep op hun deskundigheid als therapeut, maar ook op de eigen ervaringen in hun huwelijk.
Dieper dan naar de communicatieproblemen gaan ze op zoek naar wat jullie als koppel verbindt én vervreemdt van elkaar. Ook worden jullie hechtingspatronen onder de loep genomen, teneinde helderheid te krijgen in waar jullie de connectie verliezen, en hoe jullie die terug kunnen vinden en versterken.
Begeleiding: Kim Wellens en Katrin de Neve
Richtprijs: 90 € per sessie van +/- 1u30
Een concreet relationeel probleem of patroon wordt opgesteld in de ruimte, met behulp van voorwerpen. De diepere wijsheid van elk van jullie + van jullie relatie komt op deze manier tot spreken.
Deze sessie kan een uitdieping en aanvulling vormen op de bovengenoemde relatiecoaching.
Begeleiding: Kim Wellens
Richtprijs: 90 € per sessie van +/- 1u30
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